
welcome to tables


welcome to tables 🍽️

TABLES is a new networking experience for young, frum, single, marriage-minded professionals, designed to be a refreshing alternative to mixers and speed dating events.

TABLES organizes dinners for small groups of young men and women (6-8 at a time) in their mid 20’s-mid 30’s, at elegant kosher restaurants in NYC.

Here’s How it works

We will notify you if you are invited to join a TABLE. Upon request, we are glad to share a list of the other guests who are joining as well so there are no surprises :)

Once accepted, you can apply to join an upcoming TABLE using the calendar below.

Fill out the registration form (at the bottom of the page) to join our guest list.

If you’re invited to join a TABLE, you will have 48 hours to accept or decline the invitation and submit a $30 deposit to hold your spot.

Upon attendance, you will receive a $25 refund ($5 goes to TABLES). If you do not show up, you forfeit your deposit.

Once the group is confirmed, we will book the reservation and share the venue details with you.

Each guest pays for his/her own meal, unless we inform you that the TABLE has been sponsored. Of course you are welcome to offer to pay for others as well :)

After the event, we will follow up with each guest for feedback and have a shadchan on standby to assist if needed!

  • Curated

    Each TABLE is comprised of 3-4 men and 3-4 women who meet similar criteria.

  • Elegant

    Each TABLE is in a mid-to-upper tier kosher restaurant located in NYC.

  • Private

    TABLES are private and by invite only. This is not a mixer event, rather an exclusive networking experience.

Upcoming tables

Only apply to a TABLE once you have registered and are accepted.

The registration form to join TABLES is linked below this section.

All events and dates are subject to change.

join tables ~

join tables ~


  • TABLES was created for marriage-minded, single, young, frum professionals in their mid-20’s to mid-30’s.

  • TABLES is currently focused on curating dinners for singles who categorize themselves as modern orthodox, modern orthodox machmir, or modern yeshivish. If you are frum but unsure of which label best suits you, 1) know that you’re not alone, and 2) apply anyway!

  • Absolutely, as long as your friend applies and gets accepted to the TABLE. You can note who you want to come with when you apply to join a specific TABLE. We’ll always do our best to try and accommodate requests.

  • Yes. We will do our best to share the final list of attendees with each guest so there are no surprises.

  • Every guest is expected to pay for his/her own meal. We make the reservation and curate who is at each TABLE.

  • We want to avoid people backing out at the last minute. The fee helps prevent this!

  • Absolutely. Please email us at

  • Let’s talk! Email us at


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